Author: Jim Kepler
You ought to write a book
Videos of a two-part presentation I gave in 2023 about writing, publishing, and the ins and outs of book production.
The forgotten ones
“Oh two.” “No,” Don said, “when will you see the board, James?” “Oh two.” “Let me try again, James. How long until you’ll first have a chance to appear for a hearing before the parole board?” Don persisted. “Twenty-oh-two.” James looked down as he mumbled his answer. Don and I looked at each other, stunned.…
Turning nine
I read recently about a woman who was arrested and charged with child endangerment for allowing her ten-year-old son to walk alone less than a mile into town. It was a reminder… I’m not sure why, but becoming nine years old was a big, big thing for me— kind of a rite of passage. It…
Eastlake Terrace
Prompt 1: Practice setting the scene…Describe in detail your favorite room in your home or apartment. What pieces of it are special? Which pieces in the space could involve action? If you were to set a scene here in a play, movie, or novel…What might happen based on the room’s exciting features? What might be…
Post-election thoughts
I thought I knew the American people. Oh, I’ve always known that a lot of folks don’t view life in the same way I do, but that’s always been a plus for me. It meant there was something to learn from them, something that didn’t comport with my own beliefs or experiences or view of…